qEEG Brain Mapping

qEEG Brain Mapping


EEG/qEEG Readings Benefits


Neuroimaging falls into two broad categories:

  1. Structural imaging, which deals with the structure of the brain and the diagnosis of large-scale intracranial disease (such as a tumor), as well as injury.
  2. Functional imaging, which is used to diagnose metabolic diseases and lesions on a finer scale (such as Alzheimer’s disease), and also for neurological and cognitive psychology research. Functional imaging allows the brain’s information processing to be visualized directly because activity in the involved area of the brain increases metabolism and “lights up” on the scan. common types of brain scans are X-RAYS, MRI, SPECT, and EEG (qEEG).


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans are the form of neural imaging most directly useful to the field of psychology.

An MRI uses strong magnetic fields to align spinning atomic nuclei (usually hydrogen protons) within body tissues, then disturbs the axis of rotation of these nuclei and observes the radio frequency signal generated as the nuclei return to their baseline status. Through this process, an MRI creates an image of the brain structure. MRI scans are noninvasive, pose little health risk, and can be used on infants and in utero, providing a consistent model of imaging across the development spectrum. One disadvantage is that the patient has to hold still for long periods of time in a noisy, cramped space while the imaging is performed.


X-Rays, also known as radiography, is a medical imaging technique. It uses very small amounts of electromagnetic radiation to create images of structures inside of the body that can be viewed on film or digitally. X-rays often are done to view bones and teeth, making it useful for diagnosing breaks, fractures, and diseases such as arthritis. A doctor may order an X-ray to look at organs and structures inside of the chest, including the lungs, heart, and breasts, and in the abdomen to evaluate the digestive tract.

The discovery of X-rays and the invention of CT represented major advances in medicine. X-ray imaging exams are recognized as a valuable medical tool for a wide variety of examinations and procedures. They are used to:

  • noninvasively and painlessly help to diagnose disease and monitor therapy;
  • support medical and surgical treatment planning; and
  • guide medical personnel as they insert catheters, stents, or other devices inside the body, treat tumors or remove blood clots or other blockages.


Brain SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) imaging is a sophisticated nuclear medicine study that produces clear, real-time pictures of blood flow and activity in the brain. This allows clinicians to identify which areas of the brain are functioning normally and which are under-or over-active. With a clearer understanding of the physiological source of the problem, clinicians are better able to create a treatment plan to balance brain function.

Pioneered by Dr. Daniel Amen, brain SPECT imaging involves injecting a compound into the patient’s bloodstream. This compound makes its way to the brain where it emits pulses of energy that light up active areas of the brain. A camera captures images of the brain and sends them to a computer that reconstructs a three-dimensional picture of the brain. Clinicians use this picture to identify patterns of brain activity that indicate a psychiatric disorder.


Brain SPECT imaging is a safe, accurate way to inform doctors about how a patient’s brain is functioning. This information can be used to make more accurate diagnoses, design a more effective treatment plan, and to educate the patient about their disorder.

Additional benefits of brain SPECT imaging include:

  • Helps addicts break through denial and comply with treatment
  • Improves ability to detect brain trauma and other problems that may contribute to substance abuse
  • Gives patients a medical view of their problem, reducing feelings of shame and guilt
  • Enhances patients’ understanding of their illness and their struggles to make healthy decisions


Research suggests that brain SPECT imaging is useful in treating the following disorders:

  • Brain trauma
  • Substance abuse
  • Dementia
  • Epilepsy
  • Cerebral vascular disease
  • Violent or aggressive behavior

Brain SPECT imaging also can be utilized to treat eating disorders, sex addiction, emotional trauma, mood and anxiety disorders, and chronic pain. It has proven highly beneficial in complex or treatment-resistant cases.


These tests focus on brain activity. The test will detect any part of the brain that is not functioning correctly. This test is performed in a way similar to EEG. Brain wave activity varies throughout the day depending on the state of alertness. Each area of the brain normally spends a characteristic amount of time in alpha, beta, theta, and delta activity. Brain mapping computers are now capable of creating a map of the brain’s electrical activity depicting how long each area of the brain spends in each of the basic rhythms. By comparing the patient’s map with that of a control population, it is possible to localize areas of focal slowing of electrical activity.

Assists in identifying problems with brain timing

Pinpoints specific areas of the brain that are not functioning optimally that can impact mood, behavior, attention, sleep, learning, and more

Help indicate which interventions and neurofeedback protocols to target

Provides information that can suggest which class of medications is appropriate or not suitable to the problem. (This knowledge can help reduce prescribing by trial and error)

Main qEEG or “Brain Mapping” benefits are :

  • Assists in identifying problems with brain timing
  • Pinpoints specific areas of the brain that are not functioning optimally that can impact mood, behavior, attention, sleep, learning, and more
  • Help indicate which interventions and neurofeedback protocols to target
  • Provides information that can suggest which class of medications is appropriate or not suitable to the problem. (This knowledge can help reduce prescribing by trial and error)
  • Helps explain why remedies tried up to that point haven’t worked


“Deciding on a course of treatment without knowing exactly what is going on with the patient, is as bad as a Firefighter trying to put out a gasoline fire with water. It will only make things worse!”


  Disclaimer:  Our treatments can improve brain function but are not a cure. Results vary for different individuals. Each person's experience is unique, and what works for one patient may not work for another.       Statistical data doesn't apply to individual patients, as no treatment is effective for 100% of patients.

Patient Success Stories

"I can't say enough good things about Brain Wellness Center and all their staff! Everyone is super friendly and knowledgeable, and they were able to explain everything to me I'm simple layman's terms… 
Jason J.
"I have struggled with depression my whole life, and for those who also suffer from it, you know It not only affects you, but everyone around you. I had tried multiple medications, but they either we… 
Leonard S.
"Brain Wellness Center changed my life from the beginning. At first I was skeptical just like you all probably are, saying that this procedure would have a decrease or a complete recovery from depres… 
Gianella A.